Hanayamata (ハナヤマタ, Hanayamata?) is a Japanese manga series by Sō Hamayumiba, serialized in Houbunsha's seinen manga magazine Manga Time Kirara Forward since June 2011. It has been collected in ten tankōbon volumes as of February 2018. An anime television series adaptation by Madhouse aired in Japan between July and September 2014. North American distributor, Sentai Filmworks acquired the anime on 15 September 2015, offered the anime the English Dub a week later and released the series' DVD and Blu-Ray on January 19, 2016.
Naru Sekiya is an ordinary 14-year old girl who likes fairy tales, but is worried about her lack of other interests. She has a chance encounter with a "fairy", a foreign girl practicing dance at night. On a spur of the moment, Naru asks to join her, and she is introduced to the world of yosakoi dancing.